ESET Mobile Security - Review

You don't have to waste your time trying different security tools for your smartphone protection, ESET Mobile Security provides the necessary security for everything you need.

ESET Mobile Security protects your smartphone through: an advanced scanning engine, firewall, anti-spam and anti-theft protection, all this without slowing down your smartphone.

ESET Mobile Security- Benefits:

Protection against malware - through an efficient scanning of all your smartphone content (files, folders, SD memory cards).

Blocks unwanted messages - so you can decide from whom to receive messages (SMS / MMS) using a predefined blacklist, or you can choose to don't receive messages from strangers.

Stops undesired calls - stopping both received calls and outgoing calls (this is useful for parents who want a limitation of their children's actions).

You are aware of your smartphone's status - so, information like: free disk space, battery life, running processes, bluetooth and device visibility, are always available.

Provides an effective anti-theft defense through:
- SIM Matching – so, if someone introduces another SIM card in your mobile you will be notified via a message (which contains the new phone number) on a different telephone, or it will be announced a trustful person previously established by you;
- Remote Lock - to shut out access to your mobile's data, from distance in case of theft or an untraceable phone;
- GPS Localization - tracks down where is your missing (lifted or misplaced) phone (available only for Android OS);
- Remote Wipe - you can delete all data from your smartphone from distance through a simple SMS.

ESET Mobile Security - Key Features:

Protection from Threats
Call Intercept
SMS/MMS Antispam
Security Audit
Anti-Theft System


Is a trial software (is limited to 30 days of use), but you can, also buy a license.

System Requirements

– Android 2.0 (minimum)
– Symbian S60 3rd Edition
Feature Pack 1 or 2 for Nokia only:
– Symbian S60 5th Edition
– Symbian 3
– Windows Mobile 5.0, 6.0, 6.1 and 6.5
Free Memory: 1 MB

* Minimum System requirements for Android devices:
Screen: Touch screen 320x480px
Processor: 600Mhz
RAM: 128MB
Internal memory: 5MB
SD card is required

Download ESET Mobile Security

(you will download a pack that contains 3 versions: ESET Mobile Security for Android 2.x, ESET Mobile Security for Windows Mobile and ESET Mobile Security for Symbian)

ESET Mobile Security screenshot:

ESET Mobile Security

ESET Mobile Security video:

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